For some students they don’t take enough.
Others take the study break a little too far, for a little too long 😉
So are they really necessary?
(Spoiler alert: Yes)
And therefore how long should they be and how often?
For some students they don’t take enough.
Others take the study break a little too far, for a little too long 😉
So are they really necessary?
(Spoiler alert: Yes)
And therefore how long should they be and how often?
Let’s talk about the big F-word.
Don’t panic, let me set things straight from the start.
I’m talking about F-E-A-R…
Fear can be defined as:
False Evidence Appearing Real.
It is different to Danger. Danger means there is real risk of harm.
Fear is a little different.
There are often two types of fear that exist among us.
One is probably a little more familiar than the other but BOTH can be extremely powerful.
Teenagers are too old for smiley faces and gold star stickers.
But that doesn’t mean that they are too old for having their hard work and achievement recognised.
(Even if they pretend they aren’t ‘even bothered’) 😉
So how can you track and measure progress and set goals in a clear and mature fashion?
Often comments and feedback on a piece of work will be something along the lines of ‘give more detail’.
Or the marking criteria for a task will have wording something like ‘detailed analysis’ at grades A and B.
BUT (there’s always a but, isn’t there!) students are often a bit stumped when it comes to knowing HOW to give more detail.
It is NOT simply about writing more information.
This just often turns into waffle.
So how does your child get more detail in their answers?
Well it’s easy when your teen uses these 3 magic words.
(I even got stickers made up with them on!) 🙂
There is an art to students asking for help when they’re stuck.
If I had a dollar for every time I hear ‘I don’t get it’ then I’d be a millionaire – well maybe not quite, but pretty close!
It’s basically a cop out statement.
Not only is it almost impossible to respond to (where do you start with that, aside from just repeating the task/question?), but it also means the chances of your teen getting the most helpful answer are pretty slim.
There is a way your teen can ask for help when they’re stuck without annoying you/or their teacher AND get the most useful response.