Grade Transformation Blog

Grade Transformation Blog

No.1 in Transforming Students’ Grades

Archive for April 2017

Just write! Polish later

I’ve been guilty in the past.

And if your teenager is a bit of a perfectionist, or a bit of a worrier, then they are probably guilty of this too.

It’s committing the sin of editing WHILE writing or typing.

This is not the most efficient or effective way to do things, for two main reasons…




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Vague-ness Alarm Bells!

Verrrryy often I see essays, assignments and analyses that are too vague.

The student might use sophisticated language, they might have a good point in there somewhere, they might include plenty of technical vocabulary, but the overall message lacks clarity – it’s just too wishy-washy.

Here are the things that start the ‘vagueness alarms’ going off for any teacher or examiner so your teen can avoid them!

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Big rocks in the jar!

Have you ever seen the demo of filling up a jar as if it’s your life – and starting with the small things, and there’s no room left for the big important things?

I was reminded of this analogy recently and I got to thinking – What are the big rocks for happy, smart and successful students?

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Choices, options and decisions

One of my favourite motivational quotes is: the best way to predict your future is to create it.
For students, this can be tricky.
Students have all sorts of decisions to make at a relatively young age when we consider the long term impact.

The truth is,
Any choice in life takes a certain amount of courage.

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