Grade Transformation Blog

Grade Transformation Blog

No.1 in Transforming Students’ Grades

What’s Going On Inside That Comfort Zone?

You’ve probably seen that little motivational image/sketch – with the circle showing our comfort zone, then the other circle set a little distance away from it, showing where the ‘Magic’ happens.

We have to push ourselves if we really want to see what is possible.
Since last week’s Expo I’ve spent a lot of this week not so much about specific, practical tips (which is what I’m usually all about!) but talking to students, parents and even my friends about how I’d love to see more students push their boundaries – see what they really are capable of.

So, in this video I share with you what is going on inside of that comfort zone.

What keeps us there.

The 4 mindsets that explain why it is so difficult to take that leap and move beyond our comfort zone.


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