Grade Transformation Blog

Grade Transformation Blog

No.1 in Transforming Students’ Grades

Answering text source Qs in exams CLEARLY

Is your teen totally confident in answering analysis Qs about text sources in exams?

Like when they get given an extract to read and then have to analyse some element of it?

Here’s how to know how much detail to give and HOW to do it:

There are two things they need to do, and I explain them both (with written examples below!) in this week’s blog 🙂


How do students show the required level of detail in a question that asks them to analyse a text or source for a particular feature? Two ways:

1 – By showing they understand the characteristic or feature being focused upon (in this example, how the text shows that a character is authoritative), by using other SYNONYMS for that word in their answer.

E.g. In line 6 it states that he ‘shouted orders at his assistant’. This shows that he is a dominant figure who makes demands of other people. Being dominant and demanding are traits of an authoritative person.


2 – By explaining HOW the reference(s) they’ve picked out show or relate to that characteristic/feature. These both mean that everything is clear to the examiner and they don’t have to ‘fill in any gaps’ in what the student is trying to put across. As always – these steps can be used for an analytical Q relating to a source or text!

E.g. In line 6 it states that he ‘shouted orders at his assistant’. This shows that he is a dominant figure who makes demands of other people. Being dominant and demanding are traits of an authoritative person.

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