Grade Transformation Blog

Grade Transformation Blog

No.1 in Transforming Students’ Grades

This simple thing has left students lost

There was a basic thing letting a lot of students down in two particular Qs I marked.

And I’ve seen it first hand with other students I’ve worked with too.

Watch this video to find out what it is and how it’s leaving some students lost as to what to write, or unable to make the best choices in exams.



Having a good range and knowledge of vocabulary isn’t just for English subjects.

It can be necessary for:

* Understanding the wording of Qs.

* Deciding on the best option to select when there is a choice of topics or Qs within a section of an exam.

* Being clear on the description/feature/characteristic being analysed.

* As well as, of course, being able to produce a high QWC (Quality of Written Communication) and convey your answers clearly, succinctly and with sophistication.

CLICK HERE to see the exam Qs that I was marking and am discussing in this video diary.

Oh, and P.S. that word I couldn’t think of in the video that caught one of my Personal Coaching students out… it was ‘contestable’.

The Modern History Q was something like:

“Discuss how this source may be contestable”.

Which basically just means ‘evaluate the source’! Which they could definitely have done, had they known and understood that was what the wording of the Q meant :/

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