Grade Transformation Blog

Grade Transformation Blog

No.1 in Transforming Students’ Grades

Try this ‘No Fail’ New Yr Resolution

You may know that I’m not a fan of New Years Resolutions.

You know… The type that are usually broken within a week – so are not only useless but also make us feel like a failure too.

Nope, not a great system in my book.

But there is a system that I like.

I shared it last year, and with New Year upon us here’s an update and review on it this year too.


Okay – so the idea is to have two words – one that reflects on and sums up the year just gone, and one that sets your intention or goal for next year.


This way, there’s not a specific moment or thing you do or don’t do that means you broken this promise or intention, but still gives you some direction, drive and focus.


So, my word for last year was ‘step-up’.

(And yes – I know that’s technically 2 words, but there’s no mark scheme for this task) 😉

Do I feel I achieved that?

Yes and no.


Ways that I did:

Well one of the goals – a big thing was working with and in schools.

And I definitely did that.

Definitely started the ball rolling on being able to help and impact more students in that way through in school student workshops and resources for schools.

However, in focusing on that, I didn’t do as well with spreading my word and reach throughout Australia as a whole.

Growing my reach through optimising my hundreds of videos on Youtube and speaking to more different media, I have to admit, has taken a back seat.

On the other hand, I have stepped up with providing even more support to my community of parents and students.

I ran a free Facebook Pop-Up group for 3 months throughout exam season, with plenty of support and additional exam-specific tips, and I’ve also introduced a ‘Next Level’ coaching opportunity for graduates of the 10WGT.

So, still a couple of things to take forward and work on and also some proud achievements too.


So, what’s my goal for next year?

Or I should say my word for next year.



Because the plans I have for 2019 involve now not only working with students in schools through workshops, but also with schools at a higher level, through teachers and leadership too.

And to be totally honest, that is gonna take some bravery, to tackle this issue of integrating exam preparation, developing exam technique, actively teaching study strategies, essay strategy and more into an already crammed curriculum and bulging lesson plans.


But it’s a goal I’m setting myself so that these skills, tools and techniques aren’t limited to just the students who undertake the 10WGT, or whose school I’m delivering a workshop to.

I want to get as many students as possible happy, smart and successful in their study so that they confidently tackle the tasks and assessments they’re given and achieve the grades they’re truly capable of.


So, I’d love to know, what are your two words?

Can you use this as a conversation starter with your teen and have them consider theirs too?

Drop me a comment below this video to let me know 🙂

And whatever your plans and goals, I wish you and your family a SUPER Happy New Year.

Let’s make it an AMAZING year in 2019!




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