Grade Transformation Blog

Grade Transformation Blog

No.1 in Transforming Students’ Grades

Starting Y10 – What lies ahead and how to tackle it

Moving up to the next year group can feel like a big deal and can be pretty daunting (whether students choose to show it, or not).

There might be butterflies of excitement (‘Yesssss – Year 10 always sounded so cool’).

Or butterflies of anxiety or worry (in an ‘Eek! Y10! OMG – Things are gonna start getting tough!’ kinda way).

So, here’s what your teen can expect and should be ready to look out for as they embark on Year 10 – so they’re not only feeling cool and calm about what lies ahead, but can also really make the most of the opportunities to show their best work.

Okay, so your teen’s going into Year 10

A couple of important details to look out for; one more obvious and one much less so (and is actually what catches many students out).

First of all, things that won’t change too much for your teen…

The amount of homework and independent work they get set probably won’t feel too different from Year 9. And also the subjects they’re studying are likely pretty much the same, both in terms of the compulsory ones and their electives.

But what that means is the subject content and the standard of it is going to increase, as they’ll be building on the foundations laid in year 9 and earlier.


Here’s what that actually looks like:

Your teen will be set more questions or tasks that have higher level commands built in.

Command words are also known as cognitive verbs (and if you’re not sure what I mean by them, then be sure to come to my upcoming Term 1 Parent Online Info Event – I’ll be emailing out details soon!).


In particular they’ll see ‘analysis’ level questions a lot more this year.

These either explicitly state ‘analyse’ in the question, or have it more subtly woven in by using phrases like ‘Explain how the author achieves or shows something’ or ‘Discuss the effect of x, y, or z’.

These and many other wordings of questions, tasks or assignments all require an analytical response, so your teen needs to be able to recognise when this is being asked AND know how to write analytically with detail but also whilst avoiding the dreaded waffle.


And finally, if your teen hasn’t already been set any essays yet in Year 9, then they’re very likely to get their first one in Year 10.

Being clear on not only the basic structure – intro, 3 body paragraphs and conclusion, and using a PEEL or TEEL structure within each paragraph – is a given.

Being able to construct an essay that flows and builds throughout, whilst also being focused on the command, not just the topic is really going to make the difference. Not just to their grades, but also to how efficiently they are able to write the essay as opposed to struggle through it for hours upon hours.

I train students on these elements in detail (and much more!) in my Write Like an A-Grader Training,

but for a quick and free tip, also check out my blog post ‘Write the Intro last, where I explain the ‘backwards solution’ to essay struggles 🙂


So to sum up!… Not too much change in subjects and content, but rather, a notable levelling-up in terms of the standard of their writing and depth of understanding, most likely showing up as the higher level commands, such as analyse, assess and justify.


I really hope that helps with any pre-Term 1 nerves or anxieties, as well as giving you some go-to tips and strategies.

Leave me a comment or drop me an email and let me know… What’s the thing your teen’s most concerned about for the next school year, or the thing they’re most looking forward to?

And look out for my Term 1 parent information event coming up very soon.

(Totally free and with a new twist for 2019! Woop woop!).

Here’s to a SUPER- happy and successful year ahead and until next week, let’s make this a fantastic week!

Katie ?






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