Grade Transformation Blog

Grade Transformation Blog

No.1 in Transforming Students’ Grades

Posts filed under About Us

My personal story and HOW it can help YOU

Flashback time…

I wanna share a moment in my life when I was a student.

There really was nothing stand-out, unusual or particularly special about it at all (which actually shows why it’s an issue for so many teens still today).

But now, looking back, I think it’s very telling why I remember it so clearly (and is the reason I’m sharing it!).

Here, I explain where I was going oh-so wrong!



Now, I shared this story just once or twice in the early days of Rock Solid Study.

But it’s occurred to me that most of the parents and students in our community NOW have probably never heard it.

There I was, 17 years old, sat in the study area of the library at Sixth Form College (that’s the equivalent stage in England of Year 11 and 12 here in Aus).

I was being the model, diligent student.

I’d heard more than once how good students needed to do ‘extra reading around the subject’ to get great results.

So I did just that.

Sat writing notes from a National Geographic article to add to my Geography work.

I can’t remember exactly what the article was about – something to do with rainforests I think. I can’t even remember exactly what the topic or unit was we were studying in Geography at the time. I think it might’ve been something to do with ecosystems? Or maybe it was sustainable resources, or even sustainable tourism.

But whatever it was, there I was sat writing out notes about some ‘case study example’ that had SOMEthing to do with the topic I was currently studying.

Now, that shows self-motivation, right?

No-one had made me do it.
No-one had set it for homework.
I was going over and above.
It shows independence and pro-active, positive steps to improving my results.


Well, no.

I’m afraid not.

Well, yes to the self-motivation, to being pro-active, to doing what I thought I had to, what I’d been TOLD I had to, to get my best possible grades.

But taking positive steps to improving my results?


Just… no!

And here is the interesting part – or at least it’s interesting to me now.

I genuinely remember feeling even at the time, sat there, blue pen in one hand,  red pen at the ready for key words, feeling like I didn’t really know how this was going to help me.

I figured that maybe I’d be able to mention it in an answer to an exam question.

I just blindly followed the very general advice.

I kinda questioned it in the sense that I wasn’t sure HOW it would help.

But I buried that uncertainty and just did it anyway!

The truth is, that advice of wider reading is one of the very LAST things students should or could do to improve their grades.

They don’t really need extra case studies. They’ll cover the ones they need within the syllabus and term planners – or at least they should be.

And they don’t need extra information beyond what’s in the syllabus dot points because it won’t and can’t be examined anyway. That’s a very strict rule of exam boards in how exams are written.

Plus, I could list a hundred other activities that would have a greater and more direct impact on building skills, knowledge and success academically.

I know them from over a decade in teaching, tutoring, exam marking and extrernal exam board training.

Which is why I’ve made it my mission to train students in the very best and most effective actions and skills in my programs, workshops and personal coaching, especially in my 10 Week Grade Transformation program.

So, my message is this:

If your teen’s doing something to extend themselves, but has no idea how it links to building their skills or performance against the syllabus criteria and exam technique elements,
then either they need to find out HOW it’s really going to help,
if there IS no clear link, then they need to stop doing it and find something a LOT more effective to put their time, energy and effort into.

So they aren’t working hard for little outcome or reward.

So they aren’t wasting time and effort.

But instead:

They study and build their knowledge and skills in a way that gets results.


even use the time to relax or enjoy some time with friends and family instead.

Just don’t let them work hard without knowing exactly how that work is going to help boost their results.

So if you’d like them to have the exact steps and guidance to do things that’ll actually pay off – that’ll give them the biggest bang for their buck – then go and checkout the 10 Week Grade Transformation Program so they can be led step by step through the most effective ways to make their foundations really solid, and do the things that will really catapult their grades and confidence.

I’d love to hear your take on this.

Are there any examples of work or practise that really has or totally hasn’t paid off for you in the past, or right now for your teen? Drop a comment below this video or send me an email, ––  and until next week, let’s make this a fantastic and USEFUL week!

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How to feel a sense of accomplishment

It’s easy to feel like we’re just not getting anywhere sometimes.

I’m sure we all have that feeling from time to time.

I know I do!
Because I’m a real action-taker, and with that, I’m also a little impatient at times
(okay, a lot of the time) 😉
or frustrated when I don’t feel like I’m progressing with something as fast or as well as I’d hoped.

So I thought I’d share with you something that I’ve done recently that’s helped me feel better about how each day’s gone and what’s gotten #done.


When things didn’t feel like they were moving along as much as I’d like, even though I was working hard (not just because I wasn’t doing anything, cos, well… if that’s the case, then this won’t work) 😉
I had to remind myself and prove to myself that progress was actually being made and that things were indeed getting done.


So I would take 2 minutes at the end of the day, to write down all the things I’ve accomplished that day.
Whether it was a small, stand-alone simple task, or a step towards/some part of a bigger project.


For example, your teen might not have completed the whole essay they need to write, but they might’ve planned the structure and content, or written their thesis statement and the arguments or evidence they’re going to use to support it.

Perhaps they’ve done the research they need in order to get the background theory for their science investigation.


Now, this 2 minute daily review is not something I do all the time, I just do it when I feel like I need that bit of ‘proof’ to myself that things are actually happening and progressing.
(Though, actually – it probably wouldn’t be a bad idea to keep this up – so that it’s almost a preventative technique to stop me getting to the point of feeling that way in the first place!)

But I usually keep it up for about a week or two.
Just til I feel positive and back on the ‘progress train’ again 🙂


So if your teen’s feeling a bit like they’re spinning their wheels, not making as much progress as they’d like, when really they just need to be reminded of all the small steps they ARE taking in the right direction, or a bit of positive reinforcement, then have them give this a go.

I’m Katie Price Grade transformation expert and if you have a question you’d like me to answer or topic for me to address on a future blog video, then I’d love to hear from you – you can email me at– and until next week, let’s make this a fantastic week!

Katie 🙂



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Try this ‘No Fail’ New Yr Resolution

You may know that I’m not a fan of New Years Resolutions.

You know… The type that are usually broken within a week – so are not only useless but also make us feel like a failure too.

Nope, not a great system in my book.

But there is a system that I like.

I shared it last year, and with New Year upon us here’s an update and review on it this year too.


Okay – so the idea is to have two words – one that reflects on and sums up the year just gone, and one that sets your intention or goal for next year.


This way, there’s not a specific moment or thing you do or don’t do that means you broken this promise or intention, but still gives you some direction, drive and focus.


So, my word for last year was ‘step-up’.

(And yes – I know that’s technically 2 words, but there’s no mark scheme for this task) 😉

Do I feel I achieved that?

Yes and no.


Ways that I did:

Well one of the goals – a big thing was working with and in schools.

And I definitely did that.

Definitely started the ball rolling on being able to help and impact more students in that way through in school student workshops and resources for schools.

However, in focusing on that, I didn’t do as well with spreading my word and reach throughout Australia as a whole.

Growing my reach through optimising my hundreds of videos on Youtube and speaking to more different media, I have to admit, has taken a back seat.

On the other hand, I have stepped up with providing even more support to my community of parents and students.

I ran a free Facebook Pop-Up group for 3 months throughout exam season, with plenty of support and additional exam-specific tips, and I’ve also introduced a ‘Next Level’ coaching opportunity for graduates of the 10WGT.

So, still a couple of things to take forward and work on and also some proud achievements too.


So, what’s my goal for next year?

Or I should say my word for next year.



Because the plans I have for 2019 involve now not only working with students in schools through workshops, but also with schools at a higher level, through teachers and leadership too.

And to be totally honest, that is gonna take some bravery, to tackle this issue of integrating exam preparation, developing exam technique, actively teaching study strategies, essay strategy and more into an already crammed curriculum and bulging lesson plans.


But it’s a goal I’m setting myself so that these skills, tools and techniques aren’t limited to just the students who undertake the 10WGT, or whose school I’m delivering a workshop to.

I want to get as many students as possible happy, smart and successful in their study so that they confidently tackle the tasks and assessments they’re given and achieve the grades they’re truly capable of.


So, I’d love to know, what are your two words?

Can you use this as a conversation starter with your teen and have them consider theirs too?

Drop me a comment below this video to let me know 🙂

And whatever your plans and goals, I wish you and your family a SUPER Happy New Year.

Let’s make it an AMAZING year in 2019!




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Successful study is like a Christmas tree :) (Yep, really) ;)

I do love a Christmas Special Blog each year, and this is one of those!


I also love a good analogy, so here’s my version of
‘Study success is like a Christmas tree’


‘Study success is like a Christmas tree’

Yep – Really :0)


The tree itself – the trunk and the branches:

That’s having full knowledge and understanding of command words.

Knowing precisely what they all mean, what any questions are specifically asking for, and having the skills and tools to know exactly how to respond to them.

Why?… Because this is what pretty much everything else hangs on.


The ornaments and tinsel and other glittery stuff:

This is students’ subject knowledge.

Because remember… without the trunk and branches of the tree, i.e. the ability to APPLY their subject knowledge in the way the Q requires – then students could have all the ornaments in the world, but they aren’t going to be able to do much with em.

They’re just gonna stay in the box with nowhere to show off their knowledge/glittery gorgeousness 😉


And the star on the top:

This is QWC – quality of written communication.

It’s what makes their writing ‘shine bright’ (see what I did there) and stand out.

And again if there’s no tree to hold this up high,

then it doesn’t matter how well they write if it isn’t actually answering what the question’s really asking,

or isn’t at the right level of response.


I hope you enjoy that as much as I did coming up with it.


(Seriously, this is about as creative as I get. But I made a special effort – because, well, it’s Christmas of course…) 🙂

And with that, I want to say a huge thank you for being a part of the Rock Solid Study Community and letting me into your inbox each week. I truly appreciate it and hope that you’ve got a ton of value.


I wish you and your family a VERY happy, safe and fun-filled Christmas with wonderful people

(and a very pretty and very sturdy Christmas tree!).



P.S. I just learnt this Christmas joke. I’m terrible at remembering jokes… and at telling them. Just watch the video and you’ll see 🙂

What’s the first thing elves learn in school?

The elf-a-bet!

Okay that’s really it now – Merry Christmas! ?

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The Two Words I’ll Never Say Again (and why)

There’s been a TON of awesome stuff happening in the Exam Pop-Up Group I’ve been running over the past couple of months, but there’s also been something missing.

Two words that are super-common around exam time, but you won’t find me saying or writing anywhere.
It’s something I’ve found myself consciously avoiding saying or writing or typing more and more over the past year or so.
(You know, when something hits you and then kinda becomes a bit of a ‘thing’).

Here’s what it is, and most importantly WHY.

I’ve come to believe over the years, through both my work with students and in life in general, that we create our own luck.

So much so, that you won’t ever hear me say or see me write anywhere any more, the words:

“Good Luck!”.

It’s the most natural thing to say to someone as they go into an exam.
But I actively and consciously find alternative ways to send good wishes and positivity to students, and let them and their parents know that I’m thinking of them and sending them awesome vibes through the airwaves.

(Sometimes, that ain’t that easy! For someone like me who definitely isn’t a natural writer and doesn’t  just have a way with words!)

Here’s why…

Unless something comes down to the flip of a coin or roll of a die, then it’s never about ‘luck’.
It’s about the choices and decisions we make.

It’s about the actions we take.

It’s about the skills we choose to build, the ways we decide to work, and the strategies we choose to enact.


Let’s apply this to exams…

The questions on the exam paper will be pre-determined many weeks or even months previously to exam day.

They’ve been strategically written and selected and scrutinised.

It’s not about the ‘luck of the draw’ as to what Qs are on that exam paper as students open up that front page.

How well each student answers and responds to each question is dependent on their skills and abilities in:

  • dissecting the different elements of the question to understand what is required
  • how actively they revised and to what extent they prioritised the content the question’s covering
  • how skilled they are in constructing an effective and efficient response.

And each of those is a result of a series of conscious actions taken over the years, months, weeks and days leading up to that point.

In case you hadn’t already realised, I’m a big fan of being pro-active.

Of taking control of life’s situations (or doing my best to!) and not leaving things to chance.

Chance is ‘luck’ and ‘hoping’ and ‘wishing’.

I believe we can all take steps and actions to tip the odds (massively) in our favour.



P.S. I’d love to get your take on this! Let me know whether you ‘believe’ in luck or not in the comments!
And until next week, let’s MAKE this a fantastic week!
(See what I did there) 😉 


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Wanna take a peek behind the scenes?

We all love a good behind-the-scenes snoop.

(It’s not just me, right?) 😉

There’s our natural curiosity.

Plus, it’s interesting to see how things look from another perspective.

Side Fact: Students love it in my annual Exam Mastery Workshop and my in-school workshops when I share with them my behind-the scenes stories and photos of my state and national exam marking too 🙂

But what about the things we CAN’T see, even when we get behind the scenes?

Often it’s the underlying elements and hidden support that are truly what makes everything else *work*.

Check out this week’s (very rough and ready!) video to discover what those elements are and how they relate to your teen’s study.


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100th video celebrations!… How it happened

This is the 100th blog video I’ve made and posted and emailed out to the world.

That’s 100 tips, tricks, insider secrets shared, advice and sometimes just thoughts and reflections on all things related to getting your teen happy, smart and successful.

It’s a huge accomplishment and certainly gives cause for a mini-celebration


but it hasn’t actually felt like or been a huge great project to be completed.

How we got here has been by ‘baby-steps’ and it’s a great way to tackle many ‘mountains’ that students face.

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Structure and Deadlines (& practicing what I preach!)

This week I thought I’d show that I practice what I preach!
I’ve struggled a bit recently – for time (cue inner cries of “I’ll never get this all done!”) – and to actually get my head around an external marking task.
I’ve been marking 121 Year 12 Writing Test Trials because the opportunity to get trained and get practice in marking yet another type of exam was just too good to say “no” to 🙂
But it’s shown that (as we all know really) a deadline pushes us to work harder and faster, especially when it feels like you’ll never get it all done!
Moreover, it’s proven that a clear structure and professional training can turn any task that feels a bit fuzzy or brings uncertainty and even a little confusion into a clear, simple and repeatable system.


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Is it too late/when’s it time… to make a difference?

Is it too late right now to make a difference? If your teen is in Y9 right now then you might be thinking hmmm, maybe end of Y10 things need to get serious.

If they’re in Y12 then maybe it’s more like hmmm – End of term, end of year?

Final minutes of exam?! (Joking) 😉

Or maybe you’re thinking they may have already missed the boat? That it’s too late to make any significant difference to their results or approach to their study and exams…

Watch the video to find out.


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