Grade Transformation Blog

Grade Transformation Blog

No.1 in Transforming Students’ Grades

Posts filed under Goal setting

Choices, options and decisions

One of my favourite motivational quotes is: the best way to predict your future is to create it.
For students, this can be tricky.
Students have all sorts of decisions to make at a relatively young age when we consider the long term impact.

The truth is,
Any choice in life takes a certain amount of courage.

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How Self-Aware of Their Study is Your Teen?

It struck me recently that  a significant proportion of students are just not clear on what study really involves or what elements actually comprise their study.

In this video I share a few key questions that will help your teen REALLY figure out what’s holding them back and how they can get on that fast track to amazing grades and confidence!

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My Slack Warm-Up Vs. Your Teen’s Breakthrough

It is so much easier to use the efforts and the experience of others, to help us get where we want to go. As a result , we can often get further and do so faster than we might’ve done by making our own way or trying to figure it all out for ourselves.

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Structure and Deadlines (& practicing what I preach!)

This week I thought I’d show that I practice what I preach!
I’ve struggled a bit recently – for time (cue inner cries of “I’ll never get this all done!”) – and to actually get my head around an external marking task.
I’ve been marking 121 Year 12 Writing Test Trials because the opportunity to get trained and get practice in marking yet another type of exam was just too good to say “no” to 🙂
But it’s shown that (as we all know really) a deadline pushes us to work harder and faster, especially when it feels like you’ll never get it all done!
Moreover, it’s proven that a clear structure and professional training can turn any task that feels a bit fuzzy or brings uncertainty and even a little confusion into a clear, simple and repeatable system.


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Is it too late/when’s it time… to make a difference?

Is it too late right now to make a difference? If your teen is in Y9 right now then you might be thinking hmmm, maybe end of Y10 things need to get serious.

If they’re in Y12 then maybe it’s more like hmmm – End of term, end of year?

Final minutes of exam?! (Joking) 😉

Or maybe you’re thinking they may have already missed the boat? That it’s too late to make any significant difference to their results or approach to their study and exams…

Watch the video to find out.


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Sharing the love

The way I like to share the love is to provide a lot of free tips, resources and training to all the parents out there who want to help their teenagers get happy, smart and successful.

So I thought I’d remind you of what I currently have available in the hope that if you have something somewhere that you haven’t gotten around to checking out yet, then you might go dig it out and who knows,  perhaps it’ll have a small but oh so powerful nugget of gold that could help your teen.

PLUS!… I’ve set a goal and I’d really appreciate your help!! 🙂

Here’s the link I promised to my Term 1 Parent webinar!…

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Getting the most out of Parent’s Evenings

Rather than series of ‘passive’ conversations, what if those parent-teacher meetings were more useful, with clear actions and ways to determine and where and how your teen can really start to thrive?

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Worries about being ‘super-geek’?

Many parents I speak to who’ve enrolled their child in the 10 Week Grade Transformation Program tell me – “they don’t want their friends to know they’re doing your program”.

Which, by the way – means there are some really amazing success stories that you’ll never hear about for this very reason!…

I get it.

As a teenager – I was wired to be a good kid, I naturally wanted to please my teachers and parents and was brought up to do my best. But I was fairly shy (yes – really) and I definitely didn’t want to put myself ‘out there’. I just wanted to blend in.

But you know, I think there is more to it than not wanting to be labelled a geek by classmates or being laughed at for actually choosing to work hard and achieve good grades.

I think there is an element that is present in all of us that makes us reluctant to share our achievements or goals. Hear my thoughts in the video.

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Time to Reflect (Not Just Goal-Set)

So, New Year is upon us and this means lots of talk of goal setting, planning and leaping ahead full steam into 2017.

(And I LOVE planning)

BUT… before we dive in to NEXT year it’s also important to reflect on the year just gone. To smile about and celebrate the successes, and acknowledge the parts that may not have quite gone to plan or weren’t so great.

So that we learn from our experiences.

And can consider how to use those lessons to overcome similar hurdles next year.

Why was it that those disappointments happened, why those goals weren’t achieved? What was the success factor in the goals that WERE achieved?


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2016 Speedy Review (Christmas acrostic style-ee!)

I’m here – in full festive spirit – and thought I’d use CHRISTMAS to produce a little summary and some of the key strategies I’ve been sharing this year.

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