When I started out on creating the 10 Week Grade Transformation Program I knew that what I was teaching worked wonders in raising students’ grades and I wanted to share it.
However, what I didn’t see coming was all the other amazing stuff that happened for these students and those close to them as well.
It’s easy to fall into the trap of Waiting until X to do Y…
The truth is, if we waited until the PERFECT TIME (or what we perceive as the perfect time) to do something, we may never do it, and therefore never reap the benefits of it.
Who feels like they always have enough time and couldn’t use an extra hour or two in every day?
Me neither.
One reason is that WE have lots going on.
The other reason is THERE is lots going on.
These days it is veeeerrrrry easy to get distracted and things that should take half an hour, end up taking double that or even more.
By giving anything on a ‘to do’ list a timing your son or daughter can really start to give a task their all, get it done quickly and efficiently AND to a higher standard because they are more focussed and less distracted.
The furthest I have ever run in one go is 10 miles, that’s approximately 16km.
It didn’t take me long to realise just how much this physical training was more about mental rather than muscle power.
It’s exactly the same for any task that feels overwhelming or a struggle, or just too hard.
What do you think your teenager would choose for homework. Writing an essay for the next 3 hours? Or writing an introduction for 30 minutes?
It’s all about chunking things down to make things manageable in a practical as well as mental sense.
P.S. I’ve since read that one of the UK’s best-ever marathon runners, Paula Radcliffe does this too… So if it’s good enough for the pro’s 🙂
You’ve probably seen that little motivational image/sketch – with the circle showing our comfort zone, then the other circle set a little distance away from it, showing where the ‘Magic’ happens.
We have to push ourselves if we really want to see what is possible.
Since last week’s Expo I’ve spent a lot of this week not so much about specific, practical tips (which is what I’m usually all about!) but talking to students, parents and even my friends about how I’d love to see more students push their boundaries – see what they really are capable of.
So, in this video I share with you what is going on inside of that comfort zone.
What keeps us there.
The 4 mindsets that explain why it is so difficult to take that leap and move beyond our comfort zone.
Teenagers are too old for smiley faces and gold star stickers.
But that doesn’t mean that they are too old for having their hard work and achievement recognised.
(Even if they pretend they aren’t ‘even bothered’) 😉
So how can you track and measure progress and set goals in a clear and mature fashion?
I admit it, I’m a sucker for a great motivational speech and inspiring quotes – I have some of my faves on the walls of my study and even in my wardrobe! (So I get to see it every morning and night) 🙂
But how do you use inspiring stories and people in a more practical way?
What DON’T they tell you in the little snippets of ‘failure to success’ blurb we read?
The CRITICAL step is often missed out of these super-inspiring-summaries.
And it’s this step that will is going to massively help your teen.