Grade Transformation Blog

Grade Transformation Blog

No.1 in Transforming Students’ Grades

Posts filed under Homework

The Art Of Asking For Help (without annoying the teacher AND to get the most useful response)

There is an art to students asking for help when they’re stuck.

If I had a dollar for every time I hear ‘I don’t get it’ then I’d be a millionaire – well maybe not quite, but pretty close!

It’s basically a cop out statement.


Not only is it almost impossible to respond to (where do you start with that, aside from just repeating the task/question?), but it also means the chances of your teen getting the most helpful answer are pretty slim.

There is a way your teen can ask for help when they’re stuck without annoying you/or their teacher AND get the most useful response.

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How To Get Your Teen ‘Un-Stuck’ (without doing it for them!)

All too often at the first sign of uncertainty or confusion, many students will immediately ask for help from the teacher or someone sitting next to them or a someone at home when it’s homework.


It’s as if they expected every single concept to “click” right away – and when one didn’t, they immediately go into panic mode.


This is the behaviour of toddlers. It is not what a student in high school or college should be doing.


They need to spend some time persevering with the task at hand and trying to figure it out for themselves.

But, how exactly do they go about trying to figure it out?
How do you GUIDE them into working things out for themselves WITHOUT doing it for them?

Well, that is where my ‘6 Steps To Getting Unstuck’ come in 🙂


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The Multi-Tasking Myth!

I’ve always prided myself on my multi-tasking.

I loved the idea that I was getting more done in less time (who doesn’t want to gain more time, right??!)

Recently I participated in a workshop led by a guy called Alex Mandossian. He’s a productivity coach, among other things (and extremely successful!)

He’s what I learned in that workshop (including a bit of a fun activity for you to try out!) and what it means for your teen 🙂

And you! (Don’t we all want to get more done more easily?!)


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Does Listening To Music Help With Study & Concentration?

There has been TONS of research done on this question!

And there is a resounding yes… BUT only for a particular type.

Otherwise, it’s a big, fat NO…  (Sorry kids!)

Good news is, hours upon hours of these ‘brain-engaging-chooons’ can be easily found for FREE (watch to the end of this video).

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