Grade Transformation Blog

Grade Transformation Blog

No.1 in Transforming Students’ Grades

Posts filed under Goal setting

How to get really, REALLY good

To become *really* good at something, what should you do?

Maximise your strengths?

Or work on building your weaknesses?

Well, when it comes to students and their study success,
you’ll be glad to know that I DO have a definitive answer for you
and I share it in this week’s video 🙂

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4 Necessary skills to prevent the need to hit ‘delete’

Last week I talked about the importance of knowing what to leave out or delete when it comes to assignments and essays.

(And yes, that can mean having to press ‘delete’ on THAT amazing sentence or cool quote).

So how do we stop that little heartache from occurring in the first place?

There are three key skills (plus a sneaky fourth!) that your teen needs, and I’m sharing exactly what they are in this week’s video.

And here is the link to my FREE Writing Tips Mini-Series that I mention in the video 🙂

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Do this *now* to ensure no nasty surprises on exam day

Keen students often want to get ahead early on in the year, because they know things are going to get ‘full-on’ later down the line.

Yup! They will!


Here’s one simple, practical and important action your teen can take *now* to ensure there are NO nasty surprises on exam day and  put themselves in the best position for when things start getting crazy busy!

(TIP: It’s ESPECIALLY good for students in Year 10-12!)

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Wanna take a peek behind the scenes?

We all love a good behind-the-scenes snoop.

(It’s not just me, right?) 😉

There’s our natural curiosity.

Plus, it’s interesting to see how things look from another perspective.

Side Fact: Students love it in my annual Exam Mastery Workshop and my in-school workshops when I share with them my behind-the scenes stories and photos of my state and national exam marking too 🙂

But what about the things we CAN’T see, even when we get behind the scenes?

Often it’s the underlying elements and hidden support that are truly what makes everything else *work*.

Check out this week’s (very rough and ready!) video to discover what those elements are and how they relate to your teen’s study.


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OK, I failed at this

Earlier this week I was baking a cake for a friend.

And in the words of teens today, I’m pretty sure it would be classed as an


Didn’t take me long to realise what went wrong…

I’d missed out a vital ingredient.

Even when we have all other parts of the recipe right, if we miss just ONE vital ingredient or one essential step, it can have a HUGE impact on our results.


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The most important part of your teen’s success

The Burj in Dubai is the world’s tallest building.

So what’s one of the most important parts of the building?

The thing that everything else depends on to stand tall and stable?

Find out in this week’s video 🙂

Because, no matter how hard students study and revise, if this essential element isn’t there, there’s just no way they can construct a tower of subject content or an impressive set of results.

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What NOT to do to achieve those goals

Last week I shared my one word intention for 2018 (well, actually it was two words, but hey).

And this week I’m sharing one of the strategies we can all put in place to help us achieve the goals we set for ourselves.

In fact, it’s not something to put IN place… it’s actually something to STOP doing

(yay – no extras to go on the to-do list!).

Find out what it is aaaaand 2 simple ways to help us to stop falling into this trap!

CLICK HERE to check out my ‘One Window Rule’ video!

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Shadowing a class for a day – what stood out most

Towards the end of last term I worked at a high school shadowing a class for a day.

And you know what really stood out to me?

Not the tasks being set,

Not the teaching strategies,


I’ve tied it in with my festive Santa hat.

Got it yet?

You’ll have to watch this week’s video to find out  🙂


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The Solution to Word Count Frustration!

Some students see a word limit figure on the front of a paper and feel overwhelmed and fearful at what looks like an insurmountable task.

For others they might be thinking

“Whaaaat – no way can I cram everything I need to in just 2000 words!”

The issues going on behind these reactions are actually pretty similar… and the great news is – so is the solution!

:: Find the review of my Writing Tips mini-series here: !

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Flipping the Project Pyramid

If you’ve ever felt exasperated by how long some projects, assignments, reports or essays seem to take your teen because they’re continuously going back, changing, tweaking or even worse- re-doing whole chunks of a project or assignment –  then definitely listen in.

Editing and proof reading are definitely vital parts of a high quality project or assignment. But, they shouldn’t be THIS big a part of the whole activity.

‘Flipping the Project Pyramid’ is the solution to minimising the amount of repeated or wasted work and in this video I explain what that means and how it works.


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