Grade Transformation Blog

Grade Transformation Blog

No.1 in Transforming Students’ Grades

Posts filed under About Us

You don’t know what you don’t know

You don’t know what you don’t know.

You can’t ask about something if you don’t even know that ‘something’ exists.
You can’t change or improve something if you’re not aware that there’s a better way.

One of the best things about live group calls is that you get to hear questions you never thought of asking, but are super-helpful… even life-changing.

I’m hosting a live group Q&A for parents and students on my email list tonight!
See your inbox for your link 🙂


It happens all the time in the student coaching calls I do in the 10WGT.

Mikayla (a 10WGT student) told me that on one of our Live Group Coaching Calls
she didn’t have a question to ask and so wasn’t going to come on.
But, in her words:
“Mum made me. I didn’t think it would be useful,
but by the end of the hour I had over a page of notes…

And it turned out…
One of the tasks another student asked about, I got something really similar a week later, so I totally knew what to do, right from the start.”

That’s the beauty of group calls.

Students get THREE live group coaching calls with me as a bonus when they join the 10 Week grade Transformation Program – which opens just 3 or 4 times a year.

Make sure you’re on my email list to get future invites (plus weekly free tips!).

Just go to
request the free Parent Guide
and I’ll email it to you as well as add you to my email list!

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Essays in Exams

Let’s talk essays for a moment, shall we?

We often think of them as long drawn out tasks, slaved over for days (sometimes weeks).

Cue all the false starts,
finding quotes,
writing drafts,
trying not to waffle,
including stuff we know they didn’t ask for just because it sounds good,
(missing stuff they DID ask for, but not realising it),
wondering whether a snack would help ;),
realising you’re way over the word count and trying to figure out what to cut without losing marks,
OR realising you’re way under the word count and wondering what on earth you could add without waffling or repeating yourself,
handing in a draft,
being told you’ve missed the point somewhere or need to ‘add more detail’,
eating all the snacks,
hours of editing (or total re-writing),
finally handing in with fingers crossed and a whole lot of hope that it comes back with a good mark.

(FYI – ‘hope’ is not a proven strategy) ?

But of course, essays come up in exams too.

With a whole lotta marks allocated.
And very little time to do ’em in!

In the video I explain the critical step
(and IS a proven strategy that works in EVERY subject, for EVERY type of essay question)
your teen needs to do before they write ANYTHING:

And as a thank you gift during this runway to my next 10WGT enrolment, right now you can get my
​Essay Title Swipe File with my 2-step Topic and Focus system
(+ bonus explanatory video!)
for your teen for free!

Here’s how:

1) Share the invite to the webinar:
Skyrocket YOUR Teen’s Exam Results and Confidence
on your Facebook page:


2) Take a screenshot of your share.

3) Email your screenshot to:

I’ll email you the swipe file AND the video within 12 hours!


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WHY they leave assignments to the last minute (and no amount of nagging will fix it) ;)

“My daughter constantly leave everything to the last minute. Then assignments become a panic and she often doesn’t end up submitting her best work. It’s so frustrating. What do you suggest to help her manage her time better and get things started well before the deadline?”

Here’s the thing:
Often it isn’t about time management at all.

Here are the 3 REAL root causes of procrastination
(or a lack of motivation, or whatever you call it!)
that need to be addressed first
and  – important! – why no amount of nagging will solve them.



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How to make Y10 count! (Important for ANY year from Y9-12!)

Does Y10 feel like a bit of an in-between kinda year?

There’s something super-important that can be done in this year group
(or ANY year group from Y9-12. It’s a must-do at some point in that time!)

This will boost your teen’s results and confidence… and (another ;)) super-important point to note:
It’s never too late to do this, even if they’re in Y11 or 12 already.



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Tips for slow processing students

I feel it’s important to open this by stating that I’m not qualified in or have specialist training in specific learning difficulties.
I’ve taught students with a wide variety of learning challenges and adapted my teaching to aid and support them through professional development for teachers and guidance from other experts and specialists in this field.
So, I’m sharing tips based on my experience of working with education specialists, students and their parents in these ways 🙂

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Online revision tools – are they any good?

There are so many more options available to students as ways to study and revise these days.

Hence the great Q this week which asks:
“Is Anki a good revision tool to use?”

(My teacher brain reeeeally wants to add ‘Explain your answer.‘ onto the end of that!) ?

Whether your teen uses Anki, or you’ve never even heard of it…
I explain all and dissect the pro’s and con’s (including a couple of must-do’s and must-NOT-do!) that you can apply to ANY revision tool or strategy – digital or otherwise.

Want more tips on revision and exams?
Click those tags on the menu to the right of this blog page 🙂


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Essays – Avoiding the waffle zone!

Have you ever proof-read one of your teen’s essays and felt that sinking feeling as you realise you are reading the same thing over and over?
If your son or daughter has a tendency to slip into the waffle zone when writing essays then this video is definitely for you.

To get your copy of my Essay Title Swipe File,
simply share this link
on your social media and send a screenshot of your share to:


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How long should my teen spend studying each evening in Y11 +12?

HINT: The answer is NOT a number.
Watch the video to find out how your teen should be planning their study time instead.








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How to select a great tutor (but do you even need one?)

If you’ve ever:
– Considered getting a tutor for your teen, but not sure how much it will help (there’s one question to ask yourself/your teen)

– Wanted to know what to look for in a tutor (I’ll give you 3 key qualities)

– Previously had a tutor for your teen, but didn’t get the outcomes or results you’d hoped for (the reason may well be simple – and fixable!) 

then this video is for you!


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3 Little-Known Tips to Write Better Essays

Here are 3 specific and actionable, yet little-known essay tips
to have your teen:

– Overcome ‘scary blank page’ syndrome

– Save on word count and time

– Ensure they’re answering the focus of the Q (and in the right amount of detail).

Be sure to join me at my Free Parent Webinar to discover more in depth strategies!

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