Grade Transformation Blog

Grade Transformation Blog

No.1 in Transforming Students’ Grades

Pulling back the curtain on Term 1

As we round out Term 1 your teen has likely had back some assessment results to think about, or noticed along the way that the expectations on them and their work have ramped up a little.

This week I’m digging deeper into what’s going on behind those results and experiences at this specific time of year.


As we closed out Term 1 your teen has likely had back some assessment results to think about, or noticed along the way that the expectations on them and their work have ramped up a little.

I’ve had a couple of parents write in to me trying to either figure out why their son or daughter got a certain result that was a little below their expectations or commenting on the fact that their teen has struggled to get to grips with some of the tasks they’ve been faced with, despite going ok with things the year before.


Well, this situation is very closely linked to a blog video I made a while ago called ‘what got you here, won’t get you there’ and you can CLICK HERE to check it out 🙂


So, let’s say that at the end of last year, a student was performing at a particular level in a particular subject. That was after a year of teaching and learning at that year level’s requirements and standards.

And right now they’re working at the criteria and standards a year above that and with only having had one term of being taught and of learning at that level.

So they have another 2 thirds or 3 quarters of the year to still master these standards and climb up the criteria levels. Of course, the faster they can do that, by working on their exam technique, the quality of their written communication, and developing the learning techniques that are most effective for them personally, the better.


So, if your teen has been disappointed by any early results so far, or a little taken aback by new expectations, then hopefully these reasons will help them understand why this might be.

And of course, if they’re doing great, (that’s awesome!) they can still use this video to help them continue to level up throughout the year.


See you back here next week, and until then, let’s make this a fantastic week 🙂



P.S.  If you know anyone who might find this blog useful, please feel free to share or forward it 🙂
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