Grade Transformation Blog

Grade Transformation Blog

No.1 in Transforming Students’ Grades

Time pressure vs. stress in exams

Some stress is good.
In fact, it’s helpful.
It keeps us focused, energised and alert.

I’m often telling students this.

Because the word ‘stress’ (understandably) has a heap of negative connotations.
And a lot of my training is indeed centred around reducing students’ stress.

But there are times (like having to write an essay in exam conditions!) that it’s natural to feel some stress.

The key is understanding when everything is going to plan and we’re just under pressure
(time pressure of the exam and the pressure to perform well – the latter of which is even greater when it’s a seen essay Q that you’ve prepped for!)

Stress because we don’t know what we’re doing.

The first type can be beneficial.

The second… well, that can be fixed 😉



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