Grade Transformation Blog

Grade Transformation Blog

No.1 in Transforming Students’ Grades

Posts filed under study

7 Step Checklist – for parents with ATAR teens

With many students at least starting their Term 2 with online learning / alternative learning / (whatever your teen’s school is calling it!)  – I’ve created a 7 Step Checklist for Parents of ATAR teens, with specific and instantly actionable, strategies to help parents help their teens, withOUT needing any subject knowledge OR any nagging!

If you haven’t already got your free copy, go now to:

And THEN… share that link with any other parents who are also in this same position right now. 

I guarantee they’ll thank you for it 🙂

(And I will too – scroll down for your thank you gift that’s just waiting to be forwarded from my inbox to yours).


The 7 Step Parent checklist is a download I created to help parents, specifically of ATAR teens through out this time, but this will be super-helpful whatever high school year your teen is in. I even had a parent of a Year 7 student tell me they’d just picked TWO of the steps and they had got loads just out of those. 

It’s NOT about the general stuff everyone already knows – like ‘have them set up a quiet study space, or don’t be checking their phone every 5 minutes’

You don’t need me to tell you that. 

And it’s not about where to go and download a heap of printable worksheets. This isn’t like primary school – things are DIFFERENT for senior students. They don’t always want mum or dad helping and even if they did, YOU can’t suddenly become an expert on Y12 Chemistry or a ninja at essay writing. Not to mention figuring out the success criteria and marking rubrics. 

That why The 7steps are specific and instantly actionable, covering the the nitty-gritty details, like:

  • the TOPIC and FOCUS method for tackling essays
  • the missing key to taking efficient notes in a way that makes the information they’re learning go in and stay in their brains,

right through to:

  • the proven system to manage their time AND their focus, so that tasks don’t end up taking twice as long as they should because they’re getting distracted… or because they end up on the wrong track with the task 🙁

And I want to gift this to as many parents as possible because I KNOW this situation is a unique opportunity for students to get the skills, techniques and strategies they’ve likely been missing all this time, but didn’t realise because they were just too busy with everything in school, sport or work.

This situation is truly an opportunity for them to get ahead and achieve better than EVER before to actually become stronger, more confident and more effective as a student.

So head on over to and I’ll deliver these 7 steps straight to your inbox.


And then – share that link with any other parents who are also in this same position right now. 

I guarantee they’ll thank you for it 🙂

So much so that if you share this on your social media profile, then take a screenshot and send it to me – you can just reply to this email – and I’ll gift you my essay title swipe file for you and your teen.

1) Share the page where others can grab the 7 Steps Checklist:
on one (or more! ?) of your social media pages/posts/profiles.

>> Optional!… Add a note/description. Feel free to use one of these if any feel right for you:
~ Downloaded this checklist recently and thought others might find it useful too.
~ Home-schooling teenagers?! Ummm… nope! I’ve got this up my sleeve – no subject knowledge (or nagging!) necessary!
~ Anyone else wondering how their teen’s gonna go with home-study-online-learning? Found this super-informative to keep things as smooth (and successful!) as possible ?

2) Send me a screenshot of your shared post in an email (just click ‘reply’ to any of my emails or to:

3) I’ll email you back with the Essay Title Swipe File – wrapped up in a digi-bow ??



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