Grade Transformation Blog

Grade Transformation Blog

No.1 in Transforming Students’ Grades

How to stay focused when studying (and not get distracted every 5 mins!)

Your teen sits down with all the right intentions to study hard, but within 5 minutes ends up:

  • scrolling through Insta (for inspo/motivation/just because)
  • making a pretty title page instead (because it FEELS productive even though we all know an A-grade never got given for a brilliant research project front cover) 
  • watching funny cat videos/makeup tutorials/minecraft demos on YouTube (because it just auto-played after the ‘How to solve quadratic equations’ video)
  • gazing out the window (why IS the sky blue. Like really. Why?).
  • offering to unload the dishwasher (okay… now it’s really getting desperate!) 😉


Well, if so, they’re not alone, as this week’s video is for Panda Banda – who asked in a recent Youtube Comment:
“Can you please make a video on how to focus? I know some people have to listen to music or have some sort of background noises. Thanks!”

So this week I’m sharing 3 proven and practical suggestions that work for me and work for many of the students I’ve worked with. I’ve even had parents tell me that these strategies have worked for them too!



Okay, number 1 – let’s address the music thing.

The boring truth is that most people are better off with total silence.
So if you can find a quiet place to study then that’s going to be your best bet.
Zero distractions.

But – if that’s not possible and you need something to drown out the distractions, then multiple studies have shown the most effective type of music for study and focus is baroque music – a particular style of classical music from around 1600-1750. There are hours and hours of playlists you can play for free on Youtube.

Any music with lyrics or faster beats are NOT good for focus or concentration.
So students’ fave playlists on Spotify aren’t the way to go – save those for free time, the gym or in-car sing-a-longs 😉


Tip number 2: Get a clear plan of action.

There’s nothing worse for focus and productivity than not really knowing what you’re doing or how you’re going to do it.

So before getting started on any task, make sure you have all the necessary resources or equipment AND make sure you have a clear plan of attack.

So. Many. Students feel that spending time outlining, planning and prepping is taking up time they could be spending actually getting on and writing or studying or researching or whatever the task involves.
However, the exact opposite is true.
It’s counter-intuitive, but not only does having a clear plan make the overall task a lot faster, it also makes it a lot easier and stress-free AND often results in a higher quality piece of work, therefore achieving a higher grade.

This is why I provide templates and structures in so many parts of my training in the 10 Wk Grade Transformation Program and in my monthly member seminars,
and it’s why I have a whole module dedicated to showing students how to create clear and high quality plans for any extended response or essay they write in my Write Like an A-Grader Training (available to Next Level Coaching students).


Okay – Tip number 3: Chunk everything down.

Both in terms of tasks and in terms of time.

Here’s what I mean…

Never tackle an essay by sitting down to write an essay.

Yep, don’t tackle an essay, by sitting down to write an essay!

Here’s what to do instead…

a) First of all, sit down for 15 mins to dissect the essay title and PLAN the essay content and structure – just like I said in tip 2.

b) Then get up, have a quick break and then spend 15 mins finding the evidence, examples or quotes for each of the body paragraphs you’ve just planned.

c) Then spend 10-15 mins drafting body paragraph 1, then the same for body paragraph 2 etc etc.

Note that I didn’t start by saying to write the intro first – I have another video about writing the intro last in essays HERE.

And notice that I’ve given everything a time limit.

This really helps focus us and spur us into action.

I genuinely play little mind games with myself when I have a challenging job to get done, whether it’s because I don’t really want to do it, or because it’s tricky.

I set a reasonable time limit and then I get to work and see if I can get it done.
I even do it with things like doing the dishes or ironing a bunch of clothes!

And no – don’t use your phone as the timer (‘hello distracting notifications’!).

Nope. Leave it out of sight while you’re working within that time limit.

You’ll be surprised how much you can get done when you do nothing but focus on that specific little part of a task within a certain time limit.


> Recap of those 3 quick but super-practical tips…

1 – Silence is best for focus – but if you need something to listen to – then baroque music all the way.

2 – Plan exactly what you’re going to do and exactly how you’re going to be doing it. So there’s no fluffing around, no excuse to get up and go do or find something.


3 – Chunk down larger tasks into sections. Give them time limits and then challenge yourself to get them done. Check out the video I made on this topic 🙂

And captain-obvious bonus tip – none of those should involve your phone!
If you need it for accessing an email or photos or whatever, get those things up in the planning or getting organised time and then switch off the data or wifi.
Simple. #noexcuses


Leave me a comment on this page to let me know how you go, and until next week, let’s make this a brilliantly productive week! 🙂





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