Grade Transformation Blog

Grade Transformation Blog

No.1 in Transforming Students’ Grades

Take the pressure off subject selections

Decisions, decisions!

It can be tough deciding on subject choices, whether it’s for optional subjects in Y8 or 9 or deciding on Final Y12 subjects.

So this week I just want to share a lighthearted way to help your teen do this when it comes down to option A or B.

Here’s one of my fave ways to break a decision “tie”…

– Whether it’s me choosing between the lemon cheesecake or the sticky date pudding on the dessert menu, or… I’ve even had a friend do this to name one of their children!

(Which is almost as important as dessert, right?!) ?


It can be tough deciding on subject choices, whether it’s for optional subjects in Y8 or 9 or deciding on Final Y12 subjects.

So this week I just want to share a lighthearted way to help your teen do this when it comes down to deciding between ‘option A’ or ‘option B’.

Because I see some students tie themselves up in knots about this, and I think there is sometimes too much pressure on this decision with students feeling like they’re having to decide their life’s future at the age of 14!

But with all the pathways available these days aaaand the fact that it is a minority of people who start in and stay in the same career their whole working life these days, then it really doesn’t need to be so stressful.

I didn’t start out as a teacher straight out of uni.

I worked in environmental monitoring and then in conservation before deciding to become a high school teacher, and I’m glad that I had experience in other industries and jobs before going back into the school environment.

So here’s one of my fave ways to break a decision “tie”,

(whether it’s choosing between the lemon cheesecake or the sticky date pudding on the dessert menu –or – at the other end of the scale –  I’ve even had a friend do this to name one of their children!).

It’s to have someone I like, love or respect to ‘pretend’ to pick for me.


If I’m excited by the option they pick, I know that’s the right one 🙂

If I’m disappointed or feeling my stomach tighten up, I know it’s not.

Have you ever had that?

When you explain to someone your dilemma, they give you their opinion and then you go

hmm, yeah. Actually I think the other one”.

We kinda trick our brains by having the pressure taken off and the decision made for us 🙂

You can get the same effect by flipping a coin — choice A is heads, choice B is tails.

The point is, if your teen wants to give this a go, whatever system they try, they need to note their gut reaction and their immediate feelings and TRUST them.

It’s easy to feel confused or unsure – I’m certainly guilty of overthinking things, but in many cases, we know.

Even if we have to give the truth a way to show itself to us.

So if your teen is in an electives or options pickle, have them give this a try.

AND if they still feel like they reeeeeally don’t know

(yep, I get it, I get it…), just remind them that:

1)  They CAN change their mind – usually any time within the first term of a subject is totally doable


2) They’ll likely change direction or career at some point in the future anyway, so just don’t put too much pressure on themselves to make the “right” decision!

Until next week, let’s make this a fantastic week 🙂



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