QUOTE: ‘All results of official exams and assessments must be consistent, dependable and replicable.’
This basically means that ANY trained, official marker should come out with the same result for a given written answer, as every other trained marker.
There’s something that makes this happen, it’s available for all to see, and your teen can use it to their (huge!) advantage!
Alright-y! This is part 3 of what has kinda evolved into a 3 part mini series of blogs where I’m sharing the nitty-gritty of how exams, coursework and assessments are actually put together.
As QLD aligns with other states and joins the ATAR ranking system, I’m taking full advantage of the opportunity to get in on the training that the QCAA is making available to all registered teachers
I want to make sure that I’m across as much of Australia’s national assessment system as possible – so that not only can I be at the top of MY game when coaching students and updating and improving my programs and training, but also so that I can pass on all the up to date info to YOU; so that parents and students across the whole of Australia really understand what goes on behind the scenes of exams and coursework assessments.
#knowledgeispower in this case!
Before we dig in, let’s have a quick recap.
On the last 2 videos we covered the fact that there are three attributes of any formal assessment task.
Those three attributes are: VALIDITY, ACCESSIBILITY and RELIABILITY.
And by formal assessment we’re talking about any external or internal exam or coursework task that counts towards students’ final grades with the exam board.
If you missed the previous videos, you can go back to Part 1 (Validity) HERE,
and Part 2 (Accessibility) HERE
OK, let’s dig into ‘Reliability’…
This means that the results of an assessment must be consistent, dependable and replicable. Which means that the mark schemes and rubrics for assessments are rigorous and rigid. Which means that ANY official marker trained in a marking guide, would come out with the same result for a particular exam answer or completed assignment task as every other trained marker.
And that, my friend, is why I repeatedly talk about the importance of your teen getting to grips with mark schemes!
So that they understand how mark schemes are structured,
how marks are allocated and
how their work is judged.
These mark schemes often also have ‘Model Responses’ which are an absolute gold mine in terms of insight and building QWC skills!
(BTW: QWC…that’s quality of written communication – one of the 6 elements of exam technique).
Because when students can see what a full-mark or A-grade answer really looks like, they can get clear on where, how and why their response did or didn’t get an A.
PLUS – extra little bonus tip here
– these Mark Schemes are often accompanied by the Chief Examiner’s Retrospective; a report all about where students have done well, or less well in previous exam papers.
Again a huuuuuggge treasure trove of info and basically a massive opportunity for learning from other students’ mistakes!
What’s not to love about that?!
Again, these are all things that I go into detail on, with heaps of real life examples in my annual Exam Mastery Workshop (EMW for short!).
Giving students skills like:
- dissecting and even predicting mark schemes (no mind-reader magic needed!)
- analysing A grade answers and matching every criteria up to the mark scheme
- and figuring out how to structure extended response and essay answers.
So go check out the EMW if your son or daughter isn’t already enrolled
So, to wrap up this little mini series:
We’ve covered the three attributes of any official assessment or external exam; the nitty-gritty insider info of assessments and exams, with my specific advice and actions for ways your teen can use this info to ensure they’re giving markers what they need to see and can achieve their best possible results (and do it all with a lot less stress and masses more confidence!).
Let me know your thoughts or questions in the comments below, and until next week, let’s make this a fantastic week!